Staci's interview with Literary Titan For the thriller, Fraidy Hole

Fraidy Hole follows a grandfather and his granddaughter who must navigate their shared grief and the uncertainties of life while unraveling a series of mysterious clues in a world that challenges their preconceived notions. What was one goal you set for yourself as a writer with this book?

My goal was to make the reader feel like they were right there, in the middle of the nightmare. Too many times, I read a book and just don’t feel connected in any way to the main characters. These are very relatable, yet twisted characters that I needed the readers to feel their confusion and pain. The whole premise of my writing is to show the vulnerability that the human experience weighs down on us.

How did you balance the elements of suspense and the more intimate, emotional aspects of the narrative throughout the novel?

It’s simple really. I just went back to my happiest memories, of being a kid at my grandparents’ house, of warm summer days and bare toes. In order for my readers to understand the pain and heartache, first they have to experience the love and sheer simplicity of being a kid. Once that is accomplished, the suspense just kind of tags along for the ride, almost as an afterthought. Just like in real life, it’s the happiest of memories that your heart clings too, they, for the most part, overshadow the horrors.

The character of Bobo is quite intriguing. How did you come up with his character, and what challenges did you face in effectively portraying his emotions and memories?

Bobo was heavily based on my grandpa, his mannerisms, his working life. I took all of what I loved in that man and then twisted him, giving him a new past and new narrative. Writing from a male point of view was a new venture for me, and at first it was a little daunting. I found that when I just allowed myself to view the story as a movie, Bobo’s voice was easily coming to me, actually in the form of Sam Elliott! (Ha! Did you hear that, Sam Elliott?)

How do you hope readers will feel after finishing Fraidy Hole and what do you want them to take away from it?

I hope my readers are shaken, yet satisfied when they get to the end, the way you feel when you are walking out of an awesome movie that made you cry, got you angry, and left you stunned. I want the reader to reevaluate their own human connections within their own family and friend circles, because our days are numbered and you just never know when you will be saying your last goodbyes.